A warm welcome to Newtownbutler Primary School
Welcome to our school website. From your visit, I hope you will gain a good insight into the life of our school.
Newtownbutler Primary School is an inclusive school, where all pupils are well cared for and treated equally. They are given the best possible opportunity to reach their full potential, in the classroom and beyond, by dedicated and committed staff.
As our school is the heart of the community it is important to us that everyone is valued, nurtured and cherished and where the self-esteem and dignity of everyone is promoted.
I hope that you enjoy your visit to this website and we endeavor to regularly update with news and events. Enjoy looking at just some of the wonderful things that go on in Newtownbutler Primary School.
If you require further information about our school not included on this website please do not hesitate to contact the school for further assistance.
Ms V Wilson
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Newtownbutler Primary School, 58 High St, Newtownbutler, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh BT92 8JE | Phone: (028) 67 738 248