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Newtownbutler Primary School, Newtownbutler, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh


2021/2022 School Year

5th Nov 2021
Our new Friday clubs started today and one group baked scones with Mr Kearney to...
5th Nov 2021
We loved having Alastair in today for assembly. He talked to us all about choices. 
5th Nov 2021
Well done Jay! You are working your socks off!
4th Nov 2021
As part of National Outdoor Classroom Day, Mr Potters took us outside to play some...
4th Nov 2021
We did an arts and crafts activity based on autumn.  We collected leaves from...
4th Nov 2021
We carved out our pumpkins using different 2D shapes. We left them at different...
4th Nov 2021
This term we are learning about writing and reading instructions. We read the instructions...
3rd Nov 2021
More great talking and listening skills today from these guys!