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Newtownbutler Primary School, Newtownbutler, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh


2021/2022 School Year

24th Sep 2021
P3-7 were working in groups discussing the quote 'BE KIND'.  They then thought...
24th Sep 2021
We have raised over £30 so far - a big thanks for all your support! 
23rd Sep 2021
The first batch of new books has arrived for our Accelerated Reader library. 
23rd Sep 2021
As part of our topic on movement, play based learning was activities were set up...
23rd Sep 2021
We are learning to write sentences. 
23rd Sep 2021
P2 are learning to match numbers to their words. We know zero to five. 
23rd Sep 2021
We were learning the sounds of letters and blending sounds to make words. 
23rd Sep 2021
We were learning to count back from 10, double numbers and add numbers together. 
22nd Sep 2021
Mr Kearney had a great time working with these superstars - such wonderful talking...