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Newtownbutler Primary School, Newtownbutler, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh

School Return

23rd Aug 2021

Hi everyone,

I hope you're all enjoying the lovely sunshine that has returned! Just a quick message to say Team NTB are all excited to welcome everyone back next Wednesday 1st September.

New guidelines were issued to schools at the end of last week that allows us greater flexibility, in particular with regard to the mixing of bubbles:

- children can now bring a school bag (and pencil case) to school

- dinners/packed lunches will be back in the hall together as a school 

- assembly will happen as a whole school again on a Friday 

- Rec-P7 will be doing the Daily Mile together


Also, could I ask that all pupils (Rec-P7) have a set of wellies that can stay in school all year - don't panic if you don't have them for next Wednesday but it is something to aim for by the end of September please.

Thank you for your continued support, as we embark on what will hopefully be a successful year!

Mr Kearney